Forceps vs Vacuum Delivery : What’s the Difference?

Forceps vs Vacuum Delivery: What’s the Difference?

Sometimes, during a difficult labor, doctors may use assisted delivery methods to help bring the baby out safely. Two common tools used are forceps and vacuum extraction but what’s the difference?

Forceps Delivery

Metal spoon-like instruments gently grip the baby’s head to guide them out.
Used when the baby is stuck in the birth canal or needs help rotating.
May cause temporary marks or bruising on the baby’s head.

Vacuum Extraction

A suction cup is placed on the baby’s head to assist with pulling them out.
Used when the baby needs a little extra help during pushing.
May cause temporary swelling (caput) or mild scalp bruising.

Which one is better?

Both are safe when done by trained professionals. The choice depends on the baby’s position, labor progress, and medical factors. If these methods don’t work, a C-section may be the next step.

No matter how your baby arrives, you are strong, and birth is beautiful!

Articles: 22

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